2025 Adult Flying Scot Sailing Lessons – Tuesday Evenings at 6pm
Westhampton Yacht Squadron is offering Adult Group Flying Scot Lessons this summer on Tuesday Evenings. No experience is necessary!
These lessons are designed for adults who are interested in learning to sail and learning about sailboat racing in a group setting. Learn how to sail while cruising the bay, enjoying the sunset and best of all, having fun with fellow members.
Skills taught include rigging, launching, boat handling, steering with a tiller, main and jib sail trim, entering and leaving the canal, points of sail, wind, knot tying and sailing safety. Develop the sailing skills needed to sail around a racecourse including tacking, gybing, and controlling boat speed and build confidence and develop the skills needed to sail in different directions in moderate conditions.
These lessons will be taught in a 19-foot Flying Scot which is a day sailing and racing one design sailboat.
Lessons start at 6:00 PM and go until Sundown
July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29 and August 5
Fee: $495 for 5 weeks.
Make up dates if necessary: August 12 and August 19
Sign up by clicking on the Lesson Registration menu link in the left sidebar.
For general questions contact the Club Office at email@yachtsquadron.com or call 631-325-8321.