2025 Adult and Teen Sunfish Racing Clinic – Thursday Evenings at 5pm
Westhampton Yacht Squadron is offering an Adult and Teen Sunfish Racing Clinic series on Thursday evenings, geared towards sailors who are already capable of rigging and launching a Sunfish, and tacking and gybing around marks.
We will be developing and strengthening your racing skills, including building a deeper knowledge of the racing rules. We will be drilling starts, tactical vs. proper mark roundings, and strategies and tactics around other boats. Instruction may include roll tacking and rudderless sailing, as suited to the sailors’ ability levels.
Class will be held regardless of weather. On the water, we will be drilling and racing (no scores will be released to the public!). On land, we will utilize the new Andon Graham Sailing Center, where we will have multimedia lessons, participate in Sailing Jeopardy, view short clips and make predictions and discuss them, etc. Knowledge of the rules will guide you in developing strategies and tactics.
This is a great opportunity to develop as an all-around sailor, as the skills learned here are transferrable to all other boats.
Lessons start at 5 pm and go until 7:30 pm.
Lesson dates: June 26th, July 3rd, July 10th, July 17th, July 24th, July 31st, August 7th & August 14th.
Fee: $475 if using a privately owned Sunfish or $575 if using a club owned Sunfish.
Sign up by clicking on the Lesson Registration menu link in the left sidebar.
For general questions contact the Club Office at email@yachtsquadron.com or call 631-325-8321.